hammurabi.notifications package


hammurabi.notifications.base module

Notifications are responsible for letting the end users/owners that a change happened on a git repository. Notifications describes where to send the notification but not responsible for delivering it. For example, you can use an email notification method, but the notification method is not responsible for handling emails and delivering the message.

class hammurabi.notifications.base.Notification(recipients: Iterable[str], message_template: str)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

A git push notification which serves as a base for different kind of notifications like Slack or E-mail notification.

abstract notify(message: str, changes_link: Optional[str]) → None[source]

Handle sending the desired message to the recipients.

  • message (str) – Message to send

  • changes_link (Optional[str]) – Link to the list of changes


NotificationSendError if the notification cannot be delivered

send(changes_link: Optional[str]) → None[source]

Notify the users/owners about a change on the git repository. In case change link is provided, the user will be able to go directly checking the changes.


changes_link (Optional[str]) – Link to the list of changes

hammurabi.notifications.slack module

Send notification to a slack channel when Hammurabi creates/updates a pull request.

class hammurabi.notifications.slack.SlackNotification(recipients: Iterable[str], message_template: str, hook_url: str, owner: str)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.notifications.base.Notification

Send slack notification through Slack webhooks.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Renamed, IsDirectoryExists, SlackNotification
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         Renamed(
>>>             name="Rename the dir if an other one exists",
>>>             path=Path("old-name"),
>>>             new_name="new-name",
>>>             preconditions=[
>>>                 IsDirectoryExists(path=Path("other-dir"))
>>>             ]
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar(notifications=[
>>>     SlackNotification(
>>>         recipients=["CHANNEL_ID"],
>>>         message_template="Dear team, the {repository} has new update.",
>>>         hook_url="https://slack.webhook.url",
>>>         owner="MY_BOT",
>>>     )
>>> ])
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
notify(message: str, changes_link: Optional[str]) → None[source]

Handle notification send through Slack webhooks.

  • message (str) – Message to send

  • changes_link (Optional[str]) – Link to the list of changes

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