Source code for hammurabi.notifications.slack

Send notification to a slack channel when Hammurabi creates/updates a pull request.

from typing import Iterable, Optional

from slack_webhook import Slack  # type: ignore

from hammurabi.exceptions import NotificationSendError
from hammurabi.notifications.base import Notification

[docs]class SlackNotification(Notification): """ Send slack notification through Slack webhooks. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Renamed, IsDirectoryExists, SlackNotification >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> Renamed( >>> name="Rename the dir if an other one exists", >>> path=Path("old-name"), >>> new_name="new-name", >>> preconditions=[ >>> IsDirectoryExists(path=Path("other-dir")) >>> ] >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar(notifications=[ >>> SlackNotification( >>> recipients=["CHANNEL_ID"], >>> message_template="Dear team, the {repository} has new update.", >>> hook_url="https://slack.webhook.url", >>> owner="MY_BOT", >>> ) >>> ]) >>> pillar.register(example_law) """ def __init__( self, recipients: Iterable[str], message_template: str, hook_url: str, owner: str, ) -> None: self.hook_url = hook_url self.owner = owner super(SlackNotification, self).__init__(recipients, message_template) def __send_notification( self, client, channel: str, message: str, changes_link: Optional[str] ) -> None: """ Handle notification send through Slack webhooks. :param message: Message to send :type message: str :param changes_link: Link to the list of changes :type changes_link: Optional[str] """ text="Hammurabi opened a new PR", channel=channel, attachments=[ { "fallback": "Hammurabi PR", "author_name": self.owner, "title": "Hammurabi Pull Request", "title_link": f"{changes_link or ''}", "type": "mrkdwn", "text": message, } ], )
[docs] def notify(self, message: str, changes_link: Optional[str]) -> None: """ Handle notification send through Slack webhooks. :param message: Message to send :type message: str :param changes_link: Link to the list of changes :type changes_link: Optional[str] """ try: client = Slack(url=self.hook_url) for channel in self.recipients: self.__send_notification(client, channel, message, changes_link) except Exception as exc: raise NotificationSendError(str(exc))