hammurabi.rules package


hammurabi.rules.abstract module

This module contains the definition of the AbstractRule which describes what is shared between Rules and Preconditions.

class hammurabi.rules.abstract.AbstractRule(name: str, param: Any)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract class which describes the common behaviour for any kind of rule even it is a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule or hammurabi.rules.base.Precondition

  • name (str) – Name of the rule which will be used for printing

  • param (Any) – Input parameter of the rule will be used as self.param

property description

Return the description of the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() based on its docstring.


Stripped description of hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task()

Return type



As of this property returns the docstring of hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() method, it worth to take care of its description when initialized.

property documentation

Return the documentation of the rule based on its name, docstring and the description of its task.


Concatenation of the rule’s name, docstring, and task description

Return type



As of this method returns the name and docstring of the rule it worth to take care of its name and description when initialized.


Run code after the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() has been performed. To access the parameter passed to the rule, always use self.param for hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.post_task_hook().


This method can be used for execution of git commands like git add, or double checking a modification made.


This method is not called in dry run mode.


Run code before performing the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task(). To access the parameter passed to the rule, always use self.param for hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.pre_task_hook().


This method is not called in dry run mode.

abstract task() → Any[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() or hammurabi.preconditions.base.Precondition.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

To be able to use the power of pipe and children, return something which can be generally used for other rules as in input.


Returns an output which can be used as an input for other rules

Return type

Any (usually same as self.param’s type)


Although it is a good practice to return the same type for the output that the input has, but this is not the case for “Boolean Rules”. “Boolean Rules” should return True (or truthy) or False (or falsy) values.

static validate(val: Any, cast_to: Optional[Any] = None, required=False) → Any[source]

Validate and/or cast the given value to another type. In case the existence of the value is required or casting failed an exception will be raised corresponding to the failure.

  • val (Any) – Value to validate

  • cast_to (Any) – Type in which the value should be returned

  • required (bool) – Check that the value is not falsy


ValueError if the given value is required but falsy


Returns the value in its original or casted type

Return type


Example usage:

>>> from typing import Optional
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Rule
>>> class MyAwesomeRule(Rule):
>>>     def __init__(self, name: str, param: Optional[Path] = None):
>>>         self.param = self.validate(param, required=True)
>>>     # Other method definitions ...

hammurabi.rules.attributes module

Attributes module contains file and directory attribute manipulation rules which can be handy after creating new files or directories or even when adding execute permissions for a script in the project.

class hammurabi.rules.attributes.ModeChanged(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, new_value: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.attributes.SingleAttributeRule

Change the mode of a file or directory.

Supported modes:

Config option



Set user ID on execution.


Set group ID on execution.


Record locking enforced.


Save text image after execution.


Read by owner.


Write by owner.


Execute by owner.


Read, write, and execute by owner.


Read by owner.


Write by owner.


Execute by owner.


Read, write, and execute by group.


Read by group.


Write by group.


Execute by group.


Read, write, and execute by others.


Read by others.


Write by others.


Execute by others.

Example usage:

>>> import stat
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, ModeChanged
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         ModeChanged(
>>>             name="Update script must be executable",
>>>             path=Path("./scripts/update.sh"),
>>>             new_value=stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Change the mode of the given file or directory.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.attributes.OwnerChanged(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, new_value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.attributes.SingleAttributeRule

Change the ownership of a file or directory.

The new ownership of a file or directory can be set in three ways. To set only the user use new_value="username". To set only the group use new_value=":group_name" (please note the colon :). It is also possible to set both username and group at the same time by using new_value="username:group_name".

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, OwnerChanged
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         OwnerChanged(
>>>             name="Change ownership of nginx config",
>>>             path=Path("./nginx.conf"),
>>>             new_value="www:web_admin"
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Change the ownership of the given file or directory. None of the new username or group name can contain colons, otherwise only the first two colon separated values will be used as username and group name.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.attributes.SingleAttributeRule(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, new_value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Extend hammurabi.rules.base.Rule to handle attributes of a single file or directory.


Run code after the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() has been performed. To access the parameter passed to the rule, always use self.param for hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.post_task_hook().


This method can be used for execution of git commands like git add, or double checking a modification made.


This method is not called in dry run mode.

abstract task() → Any[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

For more details please check hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task().

hammurabi.rules.base module

This module contains the definition of Rule which describes what to do with the received parameter and does the necessary changes.

The Rule is an abstract class which describes all the required methods and parameters, but it can be extended and customized easily by inheriting from it. A good example for this kind of customization is hammurabi.rules.text.LineExists which adds more parameters to hammurabi.rules.files.SingleFileRule which inherits from hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.

class hammurabi.rules.base.Rule(name: str, param: Any, preconditions: Iterable[hammurabi.preconditions.base.Precondition] = (), pipe: Optional[Rule] = None, children: Iterable[Rule] = ())[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.abstract.AbstractRule, abc.ABC

Abstract class which describes the bare minimum and helper functions for Rules. A rule defines what and how should be executed. Since a rule can have piped and children rules, the “parent” rule is responsible for those executions. This kind of abstraction allows to run both piped and children rules sequentially in a given order.

Example usage:

>>> from typing import Optional
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Rule
>>> from hammurabi.mixins import GitMixin
>>> class SingleFileRule(Rule, GitMixin):
>>>     def __init__(self, name: str, path: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs):
>>>         super().__init__(name, path, **kwargs)
>>>     def post_task_hook(self):
>>>         self.git_add(self.param)
>>>     @abstractmethod
>>>     def task(self) -> Path:
>>>         pass
  • name (str) – Name of the rule which will be used for printing

  • param (Any) – Input parameter of the rule will be used as self.param

  • preconditions (Iterable["Rule"]) – “Boolean Rules” which returns a truthy or falsy value

  • pipe (Optional["Rule"]) – Pipe will be called when the rule is executed successfully

  • children (Iterable["Rule"]) – Children will be executed after the piped rule if there is any


Preconditions can be used in several ways. The most common way is to run “Boolean Rules” which takes a parameter and returns a truthy or falsy value. In case of a falsy return, the precondition will fail and the rule will not be executed.

If any modification is done by any of the rules which are used as a precondition, those changes will be committed.

property can_proceed

Evaluate if a rule can continue its execution. In case the execution is called with dry_run config option set to true, this method will always return False to make sure not performing any changes. If preconditions are set, those will be evaluated by this method.


Return with the result of evaluation

Return type



hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.can_proceed() checks the result of self.preconditions, which means the preconditions are executed. Make sure that you are not doing any modifications within rules used as preconditions, otherwise take extra attention for those rules.

execute(param: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Execute the rule’s task, its piped and children rules as well.

The execution order of task, piped rule and children rules described in but not by hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.get_rule_chain().


param (Optional[Any]) – Input parameter of the rule given by the user






The input parameter can be optional because of the piped and children rules which are receiving the output of its parent. In this case the user is not able to set the param manually, since it is calculated.


If self.can_proceed returns False the whole execution will be stopped immediately and AssertionError will be raised.

get_execution_order() → List[Union[Rule, hammurabi.preconditions.base.Precondition]][source]

Same as hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.get_rule_chain() but for the root rule.

get_rule_chain(rule: Rule) → List[Union[Rule, hammurabi.preconditions.base.Precondition]][source]

Get the execution chain of the given rule. The execution order is the following:


rule (hammurabi.rules.base.Rule) – The rule which execution chain should be returned


Returns the list of rules in the order above

Return type


abstract task() → Any[source]

See the documentation of hammurabi.rules.base.AbstractRule.task()

hammurabi.rules.common module

class hammurabi.rules.common.MultiplePathRule(name: str, paths: Optional[Iterable[pathlib.Path]] = (), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.base.Rule, hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin

Abstract class which extends hammurabi.rules.base.Rule to handle operations on multiple files.


Run code after the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() has been performed. To access the parameter passed to the rule, always use self.param for hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.post_task_hook().


This method can be used for execution of git commands like git add, or double checking a modification made.


This method is not called in dry run mode.

abstract task() → Any[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

For more details please check hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task().

class hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.base.Rule, hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin

Abstract class which extends hammurabi.rules.base.Rule to handle operations on a single directory.


Run code after the hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() has been performed. To access the parameter passed to the rule, always use self.param for hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.post_task_hook().


This method can be used for execution of git commands like git add, or double checking a modification made.


This method is not called in dry run mode.

abstract task() → Any[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

For more details please check hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task().

hammurabi.rules.directories module

Directories module contains directory specific manipulation rules. Please note that those rules which can be used for files and directories are located in other modules like hammurabi.rules.operations or hammurabi.rules.attributes.

class hammurabi.rules.directories.DirectoryEmptied(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that the given directory’s content is removed. Please note the difference between emptying a directory and recreating it. The latter results in lost ACLs, permissions and modes.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryEmptied
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         DirectoryEmptied(
>>>             name="Empty results directory",
>>>             path=Path("./test-results")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Iterate through the entries of the given directory and remove them. If an entry is a file simply remove it, otherwise remove the whole subdirectory and its content.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.directories.DirectoryExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that a directory exists. If the directory does not exists, make sure the directory is created.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         DirectoryExists(
>>>             name="Create secrets directory",
>>>             path=Path("./secrets")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Create the given directory if not exists.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.directories.DirectoryNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that the given directory does not exists.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         DirectoryNotExists(
>>>             name="Remove unnecessary directory",
>>>             path=Path("./temp")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Remove the given directory from git index.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove the given directory.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


hammurabi.rules.files module

Files module contains file specific manipulation rules. Please note that those rules which can be used for files and directories are located in other modules like hammurabi.rules.operations or hammurabi.rules.attributes.

class hammurabi.rules.files.FileEmptied(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Remove the content of the given file, but keep the file. Please note the difference between emptying a file and recreating it. The latter results in lost ACLs, permissions and modes.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FileEmptied
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FileEmptied(
>>>             name="Empty the check log file",
>>>             path=Path("/var/log/service/check.log")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove the content of the given file. If the file does not exists this rule will create the file without content.


Return the emptied/created file’s path

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.files.FileExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that a file exists. If the file does not exists, make sure the file is created.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FileExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FileExists(
>>>             name="Create service descriptor",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

If the target file not exists, create the file to make sure we can manipulate it.


The created/existing file’s path

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.files.FileNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that the given file does not exists. If the file exists remove it, otherwise do nothing and return the original path.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FileNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FileNotExists(
>>>             name="Remove unused file",
>>>             path=Path("./debug.yaml")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Remove the given file from git index.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove the given file if exists, otherwise do nothing and return the original path.


Return the removed file’s path

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.files.FilesExist(name: str, paths: Optional[Iterable[pathlib.Path]] = (), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.MultiplePathRule

Ensure that all files exists. If the files does not exists, make sure the files are created.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FilesExist
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FilesExist(
>>>             name="Create test files",
>>>             paths=[
>>>                 Path("./file_1"),
>>>                 Path("./file_2"),
>>>                 Path("./file_3"),
>>>             ]
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → Iterable[pathlib.Path][source]

If the target files not exist, create the files to make sure we can manipulate them.


The created/existing files’ path

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.files.FilesNotExist(name: str, paths: Optional[Iterable[pathlib.Path]] = (), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.MultiplePathRule

Ensure that the given files does not exist. If the files exist remove them, otherwise do nothing and return the original paths.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FilesNotExist
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FilesNotExist(
>>>             name="Remove several files",
>>>             paths=[
>>>                 Path("./file_1"),
>>>                 Path("./file_2"),
>>>                 Path("./file_3"),
>>>             ]
>>>         ),
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Remove the given files from git index.

task() → Iterable[pathlib.Path][source]

Remove all existing files.


Return the removed files’ paths

Return type


hammurabi.rules.ini module

Ini module is an extension for text rules tailor made for .ini/.cfg files. The main difference lies in the way it works. First, the .ini/.cfg file is parsed, then the modifications are made on the already parsed file.

class hammurabi.rules.ini.OptionRenamed(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, option: Optional[str] = None, new_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Ensure that an option of a section is renamed.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, OptionRenamed
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         OptionRenamed(
>>>             name="Rename an option",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="my_section",
>>>             option="typo",
>>>             new_name="correct",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Rename an option of a section. In case a section can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if dependant rules will fail otherwise.


LookupError raised if no section found or both the old and new option names are found


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.OptionsExist(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, options: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] = None, force_value: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Ensure that the given config option exists. If needed, the rule will create a config option with the given value. In case the force_value parameter is set to True, the original values will be replaced by the give ones.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, OptionsExist
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         OptionsExist(
>>>             name="Ensure options are changed",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="fetching",
>>>             options=(
>>>                 ("interval", "2s"),
>>>                 ("abort_on_error", True),
>>>             ),
>>>             force_value=True,
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


When using the force_value parameter, please note that all the existing option values will be replaced by those set in options parameter.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove one or more option from a section. In case a section can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if dependant rules will fail otherwise.


LookupError raised if no section can be renamed


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.OptionsNotExist(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, options: Iterable[str] = (), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Remove one or more option from a section.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, OptionsNotExist
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         OptionsNotExist(
>>>             name="Ensure options are removed",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="invalid",
>>>             options=(
>>>                 "remove",
>>>                 "me",
>>>                 "please",
>>>             )
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove one or more option from a section. In case a section can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if dependant rules will fail otherwise.


LookupError raised if no section can be renamed


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.SectionExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, options: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] = (), add_after: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Ensure that the given config section exists. If needed, the rule will create a config section with the given name, and optionally the specified options. In case options are set, the config options will be assigned to that config sections.

Similarly to hammurabi.rules.text.LineExists, this rule is able to add a section before or after a target section. The limitation compared to LineExists is that the SectionExists rule is only able to add the new entry exactly before or after its target.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, SectionExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         SectionExists(
>>>             name="Ensure section exists",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="polling",
>>>             target="add_after_me",
>>>             options=(
>>>                 ("interval", "2s"),
>>>                 ("abort_on_error", True),
>>>             ),
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


When options parameter is set, make sure you are using an iterable tuple. The option keys must be strings, but there is no limitation for the value. It can be set to anything what the parser can handle. For more information on the parser, please visit the documentation of configupdater.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the given config section exists. If needed, create a config section with the given name, and optionally the specified options.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.SectionNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, section: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Make sure that the given file not contains the specified line. When a section removed, all the options belonging to it will be removed too.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, SectionNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         SectionNotExists(
>>>             name="Ensure section removed",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="invalid",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Remove the given section including its options from the config file.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.SectionRenamed(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, new_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule

Ensure that a section is renamed. None of its options will be changed.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, SectionRenamed
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         SectionRenamed(
>>>             name="Ensure section renamed",
>>>             path=Path("./config.ini"),
>>>             section="polling",
>>>             new_name="fetching",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Rename the given section to a new name. None of its options will be changed. In case a section can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if other rules depending on the rename they will fail otherwise.


LookupError if we can not decide or can not find what should be renamed


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.ini.SingleConfigFileRule(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, section: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Extend hammurabi.rules.base.Rule to handle parsed content manipulations on a single file.


Parse the configuration file for later use.

abstract task() → Any[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

For more details please check hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task().

hammurabi.rules.mixins module

class hammurabi.rules.mixins.SelectorMixin[source]

Bases: object

This mixin contains the helper function to get a value from dict by a css selector like selector path. (.example.path.to.key)

hammurabi.rules.operations module

Operations module contains common file/directory operation which can be handy when need to move, rename or copy files.

class hammurabi.rules.operations.Copied(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, destination: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Ensure that the given file or directory is copied to the new path.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Copied
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         Copied(
>>>             name="Create backup file",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             destination=Path("./service.bkp.yaml")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Add the destination and not the original path.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Copy the given file or directory to a new place.


Returns the path of the copied file/directory

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.operations.Moved(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, destination: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Move a file or directory from “A” to “B”.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Moved
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         Moved(
>>>             name="Move pyproject.toml to its place",
>>>             path=Path("/tmp/generated/pyproject.toml.template"),
>>>             destination=Path("./pyproject.toml"),  # Notice the rename!
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Add both the new and old git objects.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Move the given path to the destination. In case the file got a new name when destination is provided, the file/directory will be moved to its new place with its new name.


Returns the new destination of the file/directory

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.operations.Renamed(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, new_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.operations.Moved

This rule is a shortcut for hammurabi.rules.operations.Moved. Instead of destination path a new name is required.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Renamed
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         Renamed(
>>>             name="Rename pyproject.toml.bkp",
>>>             path=Path("/tmp/generated/pyproject.toml.bkp"),
>>>             new_name="pyproject.toml",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

hammurabi.rules.templates module

Templates module contains rules which are capable to create a new file based on a Jinja2 template by rendering it.

class hammurabi.rules.templates.TemplateRendered(name: str, template: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, destination: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Render a file from a Jinja2 template. In case the destination file not exists, this rule will create it, otherwise the file will be overridden.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, TemplateRendered
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         TemplateRendered(
>>>             name="Create gunicorn config from template",
>>>             template=Path("/tmp/templates/gunicorn.conf.py"),
>>>             destination=Path("./gunicorn.conf.py"),
>>>             context={
>>>                 "keepalive": 65
>>>             },
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Add the destination and not the original path.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Render a file from a Jinja2 template. In case the destination file not exists, this rule will create it, otherwise the file will be overridden.


Returns the path of the rendered file

Return type


hammurabi.rules.text module

Text module contains simple but powerful general file content manipulations. Combined with other simple rules like hammurabi.rules.files.FileExists or hammurabi.rules.attributes.ModeChanged almost anything can be achieved. Although any file’s content can be changed using these rules, for common file formats like ini, yaml or json dedicated rules are created.

class hammurabi.rules.text.LineExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, criteria: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, position: int = 1, respect_indentation: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Make sure that the given file contains the required line. This rule is capable for inserting the expected text before or after the unique target text respecting the indentation of its context.

The default behaviour is to insert the required text exactly after the target line, and respect its indentation. Please note that text, criteria and target parameters are required.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, LineExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         LineExists(
>>>             name="Extend gunicorn config",
>>>             path=Path("./gunicorn.conf.py"),
>>>             text="keepalive = 65",
>>>             criteria=r"^keepalive.*",
>>>             target=r"^bind.*",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


The indentation of the target text will be extracted by a simple regular expression. If a more complex regexp is required, please inherit from this class.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Make sure that the given file contains the required line. This rule is capable for inserting the expected rule before or after the unique target text respecting the indentation of its context.




Returns the path of the modified file

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.text.LineNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Make sure that the given file not contains the specified line.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, LineNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         LineNotExists(
>>>             name="Remove keepalive",
>>>             path=Path("./gunicorn.conf.py"),
>>>             text="keepalive = 65",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Make sure that the given file not contains the specified line based on the given criteria.


Returns the path of the modified file

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.text.LineReplaced(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, respect_indentation: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule

Make sure that the given text is replaced in the given file.

The default behaviour is to replace the required text with the exact same indentation that the target line has. This behaviour can be turned off by setting the respect_indentation parameter to False. Please note that text and target parameters are required.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, LineReplaced
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         LineReplaced(
>>>             name="Replace typo using regex",
>>>             path=Path("./gunicorn.conf.py"),
>>>             text="keepalive = 65",
>>>             target=r"^kepalive.*",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


The indentation of the target text will be extracted by a simple regular expression. If a more complex regexp is required, please inherit from this class.


This rule will replace all the matching lines in the given file. Make sure the given target regular expression is tested before the rule used against production code.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Make sure that the given text is replaced in the given file.


LookupError if we can not decide or can not find what should be replaced


Returns the path of the modified file

Return type


hammurabi.rules.yaml module

This module adds YAML file support. YAML module is an extension for text rules tailor made for .yaml/.yml files. The main difference lies in the way it works. First, the .yaml/.yml file is parsed, then the modifications are made on the already parsed file.

class hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.common.SinglePathRule, hammurabi.rules.mixins.SelectorMixin

Extend hammurabi.rules.base.Rule to handle parsed content manipulations on a single file.

pre_task_hook() → None[source]

Parse the yaml file for later use.

abstract task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Abstract method representing how a hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task() must be parameterized. Any difference in the parameters will result in pylint/mypy errors.

For more details please check hammurabi.rules.base.Rule.task().

class hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLKeyExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', value: Union[None, list, dict, str, int, float] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule

Ensure that the given key exists. If needed, the rule will create a key with the given name, and optionally the specified value. In case the value is set, the value will be assigned to the key. If no value is set, the key will be created with an empty value.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, YAMLKeyExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         YAMLKeyExists(
>>>             name="Ensure service descriptor has stack",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="stack",
>>>             value="my-awesome-stack",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


Compared to hammurabi.rules.text.LineExists, this rule is NOT able to add a key before or after a target.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the given key exists in the yaml file. If needed, create the key with the given name, and optionally the specified value.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLKeyNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule

Ensure that the given key not exists. If needed, the rule will remove a key with the given name, including its value.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, YAMLKeyNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         YAMLKeyNotExists(
>>>             name="Ensure outdated_key is removed",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="outdated_key",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the given key does not exists in the yaml file.


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLKeyRenamed(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', new_name: str = '', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule

Ensure that the given key is renamed. In case the key can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if other rules depending on the rename they will fail otherwise.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, YAMLKeyRenamed
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         YAMLKeyRenamed(
>>>             name="Ensure service descriptor has dependencies",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.depends_on",
>>>             value="dependencies",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the given key is renamed. In case the key can not be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution. The execution must be stopped at this point, because if other rules depending on the rename they will fail otherwise.


LookupError raised if no key can be renamed or both the new and old keys are in the config file


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLValueExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', value: Union[None, list, dict, str, int, float] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule

Ensure that the given key has the expected value(s). In case the key cannot be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution.

This rule is special in the way that the value can be almost anything. For more information please read the warning below.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, YAMLValueExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         YAMLValueExists(
>>>             name="Ensure service descriptor has dependencies",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.dependencies",
>>>             value=["service1", "service2", "service3"],
>>>         ),
>>>         # Or
>>>         YAMLValueExists(
>>>             name="Add infra alerting to existing alerting components",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.alerting",
>>>             value={"infra": "#slack-channel-2"},
>>>         ),
>>>         # Or
>>>         YAMLValueExists(
>>>             name="Add support info",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.supported",
>>>             value=True,
>>>         ),
>>>         # Or even
>>>         YAMLValueExists(
>>>             name="Make sure that no development branch is set",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.branch",
>>>             value=None,
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


Since the value can be anything from None to a list of lists, and rule piping passes the 1st argument (path) to the next rule the value parameter can not be defined in __init__ before the path. Hence the value parameter must have a default value. The default value is set to None, which translates to the following:

Using the YAMLValueExists rule and not assigning value to value parameter will set the matching key’s value to None` by default in the document.

task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the given key has the expected value(s). In case the key cannot be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution.


Since the value can be anything from None to a list of lists, and rule piping passes the 1st argument (path) to the next rule the value parameter can not be defined in __init__ before the path. Hence the value parameter must have a default value. The default value is set to None, which translates to the following:

Using the YAMLValueExists rule and not assigning value to value parameter will set the matching key’s value to None` by default in the document.


LookupError raised if no key can be renamed or both the new and old keys are in the config file


Return the input path as an output

Return type


class hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLValueNotExists(name: str, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, key: str = '', value: Union[str, int, float] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hammurabi.rules.yaml.SingleDocumentYAMLFileRule

Ensure that the key has no value given. In case the key cannot be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution.

Compared to hammurabi.rules.yaml.YAMLValueExists, this rule can only accept simple value for its value parameter. No list, dict, or None can be used.

Based on the key’s value’s type if the value contains (or equals for simple types) value provided in the value parameter the value is:

  1. Set to None (if the key’s value’s type is not a dict or list)

  2. Removed from the list (if the key’s value’s type is a list)

  3. Removed from the dict (if the key’s value’s type is a dict)

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, YAMLValueNotExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         YAMLValueNotExists(
>>>             name="Remove decommissioned service from dependencies",
>>>             path=Path("./service.yaml"),
>>>             key="development.dependencies",
>>>             value="service4",
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)
task() → pathlib.Path[source]

Ensure that the key has no value given. In case the key cannot be found, a LookupError exception will be raised to stop the execution.

Based on the key’s value’s type if the value contains (or equals for simple types) value provided in the value parameter the value is: 1. Set to None (if the key’s value’s type is not a dict or list) 2. Removed from the list (if the key’s value’s type is a list) 3. Removed from the dict (if the key’s value’s type is a dict)


Return the input path as an output

Return type


Module contents