Source code for hammurabi.rules.directories

Directories module contains directory specific manipulation rules. Please
note that those rules which can be used for files and directories are
located in other modules like :mod:`hammurabi.rules.operations` or

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

from hammurabi.rules.common import SinglePathRule

[docs]class DirectoryExists(SinglePathRule): """ Ensure that a directory exists. If the directory does not exists, make sure the directory is created. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryExists >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> DirectoryExists( >>> name="Create secrets directory", >>> path=Path("./secrets") >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """
[docs] def task(self) -> Path: """ Create the given directory if not exists. :return: Return the input path as an output :rtype: Path """ logging.debug('Creating directory "%s" if not exists', str(self.param)) self.param.mkdir() return self.param
[docs]class DirectoryNotExists(SinglePathRule): """ Ensure that the given directory does not exists. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryNotExists >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> DirectoryNotExists( >>> name="Remove unnecessary directory", >>> path=Path("./temp") >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """
[docs] def post_task_hook(self): """ Remove the given directory from git index. """ self.git_remove(self.param)
[docs] def task(self) -> Path: """ Remove the given directory. :return: Return the input path as an output :rtype: Path """ if self.param.exists(): logging.debug('Removing directory "%s"', str(self.param)) shutil.rmtree(self.param) return self.param
[docs]class DirectoryEmptied(SinglePathRule): """ Ensure that the given directory's content is removed. Please note the difference between emptying a directory and recreating it. The latter results in lost ACLs, permissions and modes. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, DirectoryEmptied >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> DirectoryEmptied( >>> name="Empty results directory", >>> path=Path("./test-results") >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """
[docs] def task(self) -> Path: """ Iterate through the entries of the given directory and remove them. If an entry is a file simply remove it, otherwise remove the whole subdirectory and its content. :return: Return the input path as an output :rtype: Path """ with os.scandir(self.param) as entries: for entry in map(Path, entries): logging.debug('Removing "%s"', str(entry)) if entry.is_file() or entry.is_symlink(): entry.unlink() elif entry.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(entry) return self.param