Source code for hammurabi.rules.operations

Operations module contains common file/directory operation which can be
handy when need to move, rename or copy files.

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from typing import Optional

from hammurabi.rules.common import SinglePathRule

[docs]class Moved(SinglePathRule): """ Move a file or directory from "A" to "B". Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Moved >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> Moved( >>> name="Move pyproject.toml to its place", >>> path=Path("/tmp/generated/pyproject.toml.template"), >>> destination=Path("./pyproject.toml"), # Notice the rename! >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """ def __init__( self, name: str, path: Optional[Path] = None, destination: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.destination = self.validate(destination, required=True) super().__init__(name, path, **kwargs)
[docs] def post_task_hook(self): """ Add both the new and old git objects. """ self.git_remove(self.param) self.git_add(self.destination)
[docs] def task(self) -> Path: """ Move the given path to the destination. In case the file got a new name when destination is provided, the file/directory will be moved to its new place with its new name. :return: Returns the new destination of the file/directory :rtype: Path """ logging.debug('Moving "%s" to "%s"', str(self.param), str(self.destination)) shutil.move(self.param, self.destination) return self.destination
[docs]class Renamed(Moved): """ This rule is a shortcut for :class:`hammurabi.rules.operations.Moved`. Instead of destination path a new name is required. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Renamed >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> Renamed( >>> name="Rename pyproject.toml.bkp", >>> path=Path("/tmp/generated/pyproject.toml.bkp"), >>> new_name="pyproject.toml", >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """ def __init__( self, name: str, path: Optional[Path] = None, new_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: path_name: str = self.validate(new_name, required=True) destination = Path((path or self.param).parent, path_name) super().__init__(name, path, destination, **kwargs)
[docs]class Copied(SinglePathRule): """ Ensure that the given file or directory is copied to the new path. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, Copied >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> Copied( >>> name="Create backup file", >>> path=Path("./service.yaml"), >>> destination=Path("./service.bkp.yaml") >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> pillar = Pillar() >>> pillar.register(example_law) """ def __init__( self, name: str, path: Optional[Path] = None, destination: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.destination = self.validate(destination, required=True) super().__init__(name, path, **kwargs)
[docs] def post_task_hook(self): """ Add the destination and not the original path. """ self.git_add(self.destination)
[docs] def task(self) -> Path: """ Copy the given file or directory to a new place. :return: Returns the path of the copied file/directory :rtype: Path """ logging.debug('Copying "%s" to "%s"', str(self.param), str(self.destination)) if self.param.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(self.param, self.destination) else: shutil.copy2(self.param, self.destination) return self.destination