Source code for hammurabi.reporters.json

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

from hammurabi.reporters.base import Reporter

[docs]class JSONReporter(Reporter): """ Generate reports in JSON format and write into file. JSONReporter is the default reporter of the pillar. The example below shows the way how to replace a reporter which could base on the JSONReporter. The report will be written into the configured report file. The report file's name set by ``report_name`` config parameter. Example usage: .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, OwnerChanged >>> from my_company import MyJSONReporter >>> >>> example_law = Law( >>> name="Name of the law", >>> description="Well detailed description what this law does.", >>> rules=( >>> OwnerChanged( >>> name="Change ownership of nginx config", >>> path=Path("./nginx.conf"), >>> new_value="www:web_admin" >>> ), >>> ) >>> ) >>> >>> # override pillar's default JSONReporter reporter >>> pillar = Pillar(reporter_class=MyJSONReporter) """
[docs] def report(self) -> None: """ Do the actual reporting based on the report assembled in JSON format. The report will be written into the configured report file. """ self.report_path.write_text(self._get_report().json())