Source code for hammurabi.mixins

Mixins module contains helpers for both laws and rules. Usually this file
will contain Git commands related helpers. Also, this module contains the
extensions for several online git based VCS.

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union

from github3.pulls import ShortPullRequest  # type: ignore
from github3.repos.repo import Repository  # type: ignore
from github3.structs import GitHubIterator  # type: ignore

from hammurabi.config import config
from hammurabi.preconditions.base import Precondition
from hammurabi.rules.base import Rule

[docs]class GitMixin: """ Simple mixin which contains all the common git commands which are needed to push a change to an online VCS like GitHub or GitLab. This mixin could be used by :class:``s, :class:`hammurabi.rules.base` or any rules which can make modifications during its execution. """ @staticmethod def __can_proceed() -> bool: """ Determine if the next change can be done or not. For git related operations it is extremely important to abort or skip an execution if not needed. :return: Returns True if the next changes should be done :rtype: bool """ return config.repo and not config.settings.dry_run and config.repo.is_dirty()
[docs] @staticmethod def checkout_branch() -> None: """ Perform a simple git checkout, to not pollute the default branch and use that branch for the pull request later. The branch name can be changed in the config by setting the ``git_branch_name`` config option. The following command is executed: .. code-block:: shell git checkout -b <branch name> """ if config.repo and not config.settings.dry_run: branch = config.settings.git_branch_name'Checkout branch "%s"', branch) config.repo.git.checkout("HEAD", B=branch) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def git_add(self, param: Path) -> None: """ Add file contents to the index. :param param: Path to add to the index :type param: Path The following command is executed: .. code-block:: shell git add <path> """ if self.__can_proceed(): logging.debug('Git add "%s"', str(param)) config.repo.git.add(str(param)) # pylint: disable=no-member self.made_changes = True
[docs] def git_remove(self, param: Path) -> None: """ Remove files from the working tree and from the index. :param param: Path to remove from the working tree and the index :type param: Path The following command is executed: .. code-block:: shell git rm <path> """ if self.__can_proceed(): logging.debug('Git remove "%s"', str(param)) config.repo.index.remove( (str(param),), ignore_unmatch=True ) # pylint: disable=no-member self.made_changes = True
[docs] def git_commit(self, message: str) -> None: """ Commit the changes on the checked out branch. :param message: Git commit message :type message: str The following command is executed: .. code-block:: shell git commit -m "<commit message>" """ if self.__can_proceed(): logging.debug("Creating git commit for the changes") config.repo.index.commit(message) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] @staticmethod def push_changes() -> None: """ Push the changes with the given branch set by ``git_branch_name`` config option to the remote origin. The following command is executed: .. code-block:: shell git push origin <branch name> """ if config.repo and not config.settings.dry_run:"Pushing changes") branch = config.settings.git_branch_name config.repo.remotes.origin.push(branch) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class PullRequestHelperMixin: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Give helper classes for pull request related operations """ @staticmethod def __get_chained_rules( target: Rule, chain: List[Union[Rule, Precondition]] ) -> Iterable[Rule]: """ Return all the chained rules excluding the root rule. :param target: The root Rule :type target: Rule :param chain: The whole chain :type chain: Iterable[Rule] :return: The filtered list of chained rules :rtype: Iterable[Rule] """ rules = filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, Rule), chain) return filter(lambda r: r != target, rules) # type: ignore def __get_rules_body(self, rules: Iterable[Rule]) -> List[str]: """ Generate the PR body's executed rules section for the root and chained rules excluding their preconditions. :param rules: List of passing of failed rules :type rules: Iterable[Rule] :return: Body of the PR section in a list format :rtype: List[str] """ body: List[str] = list() for rule in rules: body.append(f"* {}") for chain in self.__get_chained_rules(rule, rule.get_rule_chain(rule)): body.append(f" * {}") return body
[docs] def generate_pull_request_body(self, pillar) -> str: """ Generate the body of the pull request based on the registered laws and rules. The pull request body is markdown formatted. :param pillar: Pillar configuration :type pillar: :class:`hammurabi.pillar.Pillar` :return: Returns the generated pull request description :rtype: str """ #  NOTE: The parameter type can not be hinted, because of circular import, # we must fix this in the future releases. logging.debug("Generating pull request body") body: List[str] = [ "## Description", "Below you can find the executed laws and information about them.", ] # Filter only those laws which has other rules than skipped ones. actionable_laws = filter(lambda l: l.passed_rules + l.failed_rules, pillar.laws) for law in actionable_laws: body.append(f"\n### {}") body.append(law.description) if law.passed_rules: body.append("\n<details>") body.append("<summary>Passed rules</summary>\n") body.extend(self.__get_rules_body(law.passed_rules)) body.append("</details>") if law.failed_rules: body.append("\n<details open>") body.append("<summary>Failed rules (manual fix needed)</summary>\n") body.extend(self.__get_rules_body(law.failed_rules)) body.append("</details>") return "\n".join(body)
# TODO: Move to a separate file as part of a new package if other VCS is supported
[docs]class GitHubMixin(GitMixin, PullRequestHelperMixin): """ Extending :class:`hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin` to be able to open pull requests on GitHub after changes are pushed to remote. """
[docs] def create_pull_request(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Create a PR on GitHub after the changes are pushed to remote. The pull request details (repository, branch) are set by the project configuration. The mapping of the details and configs: +------------+--------------------------------------+ | Detail | Configuration | +============+======================================+ | repo | repository (owner/repository format) | +------------+--------------------------------------+ | base | git_base_name | +------------+--------------------------------------+ | branch | git_branch_name | +------------+--------------------------------------+ :return: Return the open (and updated) or opened PR's url :rtype: Optional[str] """ if not config.github: raise RuntimeError( "The GitHub client is not initialized properly. Make sure that " "you set the GITHUB_TOKEN or HAMMURABI_GITHUB_TOKEN before execution. " ) if config.repo and not config.settings.dry_run: owner, repository = config.settings.repository.split("/") github_repo: Repository = config.github.repository(owner, repository)"Checking for opened pull request") opened_pull_requests: GitHubIterator[ ShortPullRequest ] = github_repo.pull_requests( state="open", head=config.settings.git_branch_name, base=config.settings.git_base_name, ) if opened_pull_requests.count == -1: description = self.generate_pull_request_body(config.settings.pillar)"Opening pull request") response: ShortPullRequest = github_repo.create_pull( title="[hammurabi] Update to match the latest baseline", base=config.settings.git_base_name, head=config.settings.git_branch_name, body=description, ) return response.url # Return the last known PR url, it should be one # anyways, so it is not an issue return opened_pull_requests.last_url # Although this return could be skipped, it is more # explicit to have it here return None