Source code for hammurabi.main

from enum import Enum
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys

import github3
import typer

from hammurabi import Pillar, __version__
from hammurabi.config import (


[docs]class LoggingChoices(str, Enum): """ Logging choices for CLI settings. """ DEBUG = "DEBUG" INFO = "INFO" WARNING = "WARNING" ERROR = "ERROR"
app = typer.Typer()
[docs]def error_message(message: str, should_exit: bool = True, code: int = 1): """ Print error message and exit the CLI application """ print_message(message, typer.colors.RED, True, should_exit, code)
[docs]def success_message(message: str): """ Print error message and exit the CLI application """ print_message(message, typer.colors.GREEN, True, False, 0)
[docs]@app.callback() def main( ctx: typer.Context, cfg: Path = typer.Option( DEFAULT_PROJECT_CONFIG, "--config", "-c", help="Set the configuration file." ), repository: str = typer.Option( DEFAULT_REPOSITORY, help="Set the remote repository. Required format: owner/repository.", ), token: str = typer.Option(DEFAULT_GITHUB_TOKEN, help="Set github access token."), log_level: LoggingChoices = typer.Option( DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL, help="Set logging level." ), ): """ Hammurabi is an extensible CLI tool responsible for enforcing user-defined rules on a git repository. Find more information at: """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand in NON_ACTIONABLE_SUBCOMMANDS: return os.environ.setdefault("HAMMURABI_SETTINGS_PATH", str(cfg.expanduser())) try: # Reload the configuration config.load() success_message("Configuration loaded") except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except error_message(f"Failed to load configuration: {str(exc)}") return if token != DEFAULT_GITHUB_TOKEN: config.github = github3.login(token=token) if repository != DEFAULT_REPOSITORY: config.settings.repository = repository if log_level != DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL: logging.root.setLevel(log_level.value) ctx.ensure_object(dict) ctx.obj["config"] = config
[docs]@app.command(short_help="Print hammurabi version.") def version(): """ Print hammurabi version. """ typer.echo(__version__)
[docs]@app.command(short_help="Execute registered laws.") def enforce( ctx: typer.Context, dry_run: bool = typer.Option(DEFAULT_DRY_RUN, help="Execute laws in dry run mode."), allow_push: bool = typer.Option(DEFAULT_ALLOW_PUSH, help="Push changes to remote."), report: bool = typer.Option( DEFAULT_GENERATE_REPORT, help="Generate execution report." ), ): """ Longer description """ if allow_push != DEFAULT_ALLOW_PUSH: ctx.obj["config"].settings.allow_push = allow_push if dry_run != DEFAULT_DRY_RUN: ctx.obj["config"].settings.dry_run = dry_run pillar: Pillar = ctx.obj["config"].settings.pillar pillar.enforce() success_message("Finished successfully") if report: success_message("Report generated")
if __name__ == "__main__": app()