Source code for hammurabi.config

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from git import Repo
from github3 import GitHub, login
from pydantic import BaseSettings
import toml

[docs]class CommonSettings(BaseSettings): """ Common settings which applies to both TOML and CLI configuration of Hammurabi. ``Pillar`` configuration is intentionally not listed since it is represented as a string in the TOML configuration, but used the parsed variable in the CLI configuration. """ dry_run: bool = False rule_can_abort: bool = False git_branch_name: str = "hammurabi" git_base_name: str = "master" repository: str = ""
[docs] class Config: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ BaseSettings' config describing how the settings will be handled. The given ``env_prefix`` will make sure that settings can be read from environment variables starting with ``HAMMURABI_``. """ env_prefix = "hammurabi_"
[docs]class TOMLSettings(CommonSettings): """ TOML Project configuration settings. Most of the fields are used to compose other configuration fields like ``github_token`` or ``pillar``. """ github_token: str = "" log_level: str = "INFO" pillar_config: Path pillar_name: str = "pillar" target: Path
[docs]class Settings(CommonSettings): """ CLI related settings which are directly needed for the execution. """ pillar: object = None working_dir: Path = Path(".")
[docs]class Config: """ Simple configuration object which used across Hammurabi. The :class:`Config` loads the given ``pyproject.toml`` according to PEP-518. """ def __init__(self): self.__repo: Repo = None self.github: Optional[GitHub] = None self.settings: Settings = Settings() @property def repo(self) -> Union[Repo, None]: """ Get the target directory. """ return self.__repo @repo.setter def repo(self, repository): """ Set the target and change the working directory. If the target is a git repository. """ self.settings.working_dir = repository.absolute() os.chdir(str(self.settings.working_dir)) self.__repo = Repo(self.settings.working_dir) @staticmethod def __load_pyproject_toml(config_file: Path) -> TOMLSettings: """ Load and parse the given ``pyproject.toml`` file. :param config_file: Path of the pyproject.toml file :type config_file: Path :return: Returns the parsed configuration :rtype: :class:`hammurabi.config.TOMLSettings` """ return TOMLSettings( **toml.load(config_file).get("tool", {}).get("hammurabi", {}) ) @staticmethod def __load_pillar_config(project_config: TOMLSettings) -> object: """ Load ``pillar`` configuration based on the dotted style path in the ``pyproject.toml``, set by ``config`` configuration section. :param project_config: Parsed TOMLSettings :type project_config: :class:`hammurabi.config.TOMLSettings` :return: Returns the initialized :class:`hammurabi.pillar.Pillar` :rtype: :class:`pydantic.PyObject` """ # Pillar configuration file pillar_config = Path(project_config.pillar_config).expanduser() # Load the configuration from pillar config module to runtime spec = spec_from_file_location(".py", ""), pillar_config ) module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore # Pillar config variable name return getattr(module, project_config.pillar_name) @staticmethod def __get_settings_value(parameter: str, fallback: Any) -> Any: """ Get a specific setting parameter's value. This helper function will prefer environment variables over the fallback value, to keep the configuration order. :param parameter: Name of the setting :type parameter: str :param fallback: Value set in the configuration file :type fallback: Any :return: Returns the value read from environment or config file :rtype: Any """ prefix = Settings.Config.env_prefix return os.environ.get(f"{prefix}{parameter}", fallback) def __merge_settings(self, loaded_settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Settings: """ Merge the configuration parsed from pyproject.toml and set by environment variables. To keep the configuration loading order, the environment settings will be used over those found in the TOML file. Config priority: 1. CLI arguments 2. ENV Variables 3. Config from file 4. Default config :param loaded_settings: :type loaded_settings: Dict[str, Any] """ merge_result = {} for setting, value in loaded_settings.items(): merge_result[setting] = self.__get_settings_value(setting, value) return Settings(**merge_result)
[docs] def load(self, file: Union[str, Path]): """ Handle configuration loading from project toml file and make sure the configuration are initialized and merged. Also, make sure that logging is set properly. :param file: Path of the ``pyproject.toml`` file :type file: Union[str, Path] """ # Hammurabi CLI configuration file toml_file = Path(file).expanduser() project_config = self.__load_pyproject_toml(toml_file) # Merge settings and make sure we keep config priority # Override the default settings by the merged ones self.settings = self.__merge_settings( { "pillar": self.__load_pillar_config(project_config), "git_base_name": project_config.git_base_name, "git_branch_name": project_config.git_branch_name, "dry_run": project_config.dry_run, "rule_can_abort": project_config.rule_can_abort, "repository": project_config.repository, } ) # Set after self.settings is set since the following # may depend on settings read from environment or config file self.github = login(token=project_config.github_token) self.repo = # Set logging logging.root.setLevel(project_config.log_level) logging.debug('Successfully loaded "%s"', toml_file) logging.debug( 'Successfully loaded "%s"', project_config.pillar_config.absolute() )
config = Config() # pylint: disable=invalid-name