hammurabi package


hammurabi.config module

class hammurabi.config.Config[source]

Bases: object

Simple configuration object which used across Hammurabi. The Config loads the given pyproject.toml according to PEP-518.

load(file: Union[str, pathlib.Path])[source]

Load and parse the given pyproject.toml file.

property repo

Get the target directory.

hammurabi.exceptions module

exception hammurabi.exceptions.AbortLawError[source]

Bases: Exception

Custom exception to make sure that own exception types are caught by the Law’s execution.

hammurabi.helpers module

hammurabi.helpers.full_strip(value: str) → str[source]

Strip every line.

hammurabi.law module

This module contains the definition of Law which is responsible for the execution of its registered Rules. Every Law can have multiple rules to execute.

In case a rule raises an exception the execution may abort and none of the remaining rules will be executed neither pipes or children. An abort can cause an inconsistent state or a dirty git branch. If rule_can_abort config is set to True, the whole execution of the :class:hammurabi.pillar.Pillar will be aborted and the original exception will be re-raised.

class hammurabi.law.Law(name: str, description: str, rules: Iterable[hammurabi.rules.base.Rule])[source]

Bases: hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin

A Law is a collection of Rules which is responsible for the rule execution and git committing.

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FileExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FileExists(
>>>             name="Create pyproject.toml",
>>>             path=Path("./pyproject.toml")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)

Commit the changes made by registered rules and add a meaningful commit message.

Example commit message:

Migrate to next generation project template
* Create pyproject.toml
* Add meta info from setup.py to pyproject.toml
* Add existing dependencies
* Remove requirements.txt
* Remove setup.py
property documentation

Get the name and description of the Law object.


Return the name and description of the law as its documentation

Return type



Execute all registered rule. If rule_can_abort config option is set to True, all the rules will be aborted and an exception will be raised.

When the whole execution chain is finished, the changes will be committed except the failed ones.



get_execution_order() → List[hammurabi.rules.base.Rule][source]

Get the execution order of the registered rules. The order will contain the pipes and children as well.

This helper function is useful in debugging and information gathering.


Return the execution order of the rules

Return type


hammurabi.main module

hammurabi.mixins module

Mixins module contains helpers for both laws and rules. Usually this file will contain Git commands related helpers. Also, this module contains the extensions for several online git based VCS.

class hammurabi.mixins.GitHubMixin[source]

Bases: hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin

Extending hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin to be able to open pull requests on GitHub after changes are pushed to remote.


Create a PR on GitHub after the changes are pushed to remote. The pull request details (repository, branch) are set by the project configuration. The mapping of the details and configs:




repository (owner/repository format)





static generate_pull_request_body(pillar) → str[source]

Generate the body of the pull request based on the registered laws and rules. The pull request body is markdown formatted.


pillar (hammurabi.pillar.Pillar) – Pillar configuration


Returns the generated pull request description

Return type


class hammurabi.mixins.GitMixin[source]

Bases: object

Simple mixin which contains all the common git commands which are needed to push a change to an online VCS like GitHub or GitLab. This mixin could be used by hammurabi.law.Law`s, :class:`hammurabi.rules.base or any rules which can make modifications during its execution.

static checkout_branch()[source]

Perform a simple git checkout, to not pollute the default branch and use that branch for the pull request later. The branch name can be changed in the config by setting the git_branch_name config option.

The following command is executed:

git checkout -b <branch name>
static git_add(param: pathlib.Path)[source]

Add file contents to the index.


param (Path) – Path to add to the index

The following command is executed:

git add <path>
git_commit(message: str)[source]

Commit the changes on the checked out branch.


message (str) – Git commit message

The following command is executed:

git commit -m "<commit message>"
static git_remove(param: pathlib.Path)[source]

Remove files from the working tree and from the index.


param (Path) – Path to remove from the working tree and the index

The following command is executed:

git rm <path>
property has_changes

Check if the rule made any changes. The check will return True if the git branch is dirty after the rule execution or the Rule set the made_changes attribute directly. In usual cases, the made_changes attribute will not be set directly by any rule.


True if the git branch is dirty or made_changes attribute is True

Return type


static push_changes()[source]

Push the changes with the given branch set by git_branch_name config option to the remote origin.

The following command is executed:

git push origin <branch name>

hammurabi.pillar module

Pillar module is responsible for handling the whole execution chain including managing a lock file, executing the registered laws, pushing the changes to the VCS and creating a pull request. All the laws registered to the pillar will be executed not in the order of the registration.

class hammurabi.pillar.Pillar[source]

Bases: hammurabi.mixins.GitHubMixin

Pillar is responsible for the execution of the chain of laws and rules. During the execution process a lock file will be created at the beginning of the process and at the end, the lock file will be released.

All the registered laws and rules can be retrieved using the laws and rules properties, or if necessary single laws and rules can be accessed using the resource’s name as a parameter for get_law or get_rule methods.


Create a lock file. If the lock file presents, the execution for the same target will be prevented.


Run all the registered laws and rules one by one. This method is responsible for creating and releasing the lock file, executing the registered laws, push changes to the git origin and open the pull request.

This method glues together the lower level components and makes sure that the execution of laws and rules can not be called more than once at the same time for a target.

get_law(name: str) → hammurabi.law.Law[source]

Get a law by its name. In case of no Laws are registered or the law can not be found by its name, a StopIteration exception will be raised.


name (str) – Name of the law which will be used for the lookup


StopIteration exception if Law not found


Return the searched law

Return type


get_rule(name: str) → hammurabi.rules.base.Rule[source]

Get a registered rule (and its pipe/children) by the rule’s name.

This helper function is useful in debugging and information gathering.


name (str) – Name of the rule which will be used for the lookup


StopIteration exception if Rule not found


Return the rule in case of a match for the name

Return type


property laws

Return the registered laws not in order of the registration.

register(law: hammurabi.law.Law)[source]

Register the given Law to the Pillar. The order of the registration does not matter. The laws should never depend on each other.


law (hammurabi.law.Law) – Initialized Law which should be registered

Example usage:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from hammurabi import Law, Pillar, FileExists
>>> example_law = Law(
>>>     name="Name of the law",
>>>     description="Well detailed description what this law does.",
>>>     rules=(
>>>         FileExists(
>>>             name="Create pyproject.toml",
>>>             path=Path("./pyproject.toml")
>>>         ),
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> pillar = Pillar()
>>> pillar.register(example_law)


The laws should never depend on each other, because the execution may not happen in the same order the laws were registered. Instead, organize the depending rules in one law to resolve any dependency conflicts.


Releasing the previously created lock file if exists.

property rules

Return all the registered laws’ rules.

Module contents